Mechatronics Engineering Standing

The Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering at Kennesaw State University is committed to maintaining high academic standards. Before enrolling in upper division courses, students must attain Engineering Standing.

Engineering Standing requires a minimum 2.7 GPA in selected math, science and engineering courses, as outlined on the application.

Engineering Standing Application

Engineering Majors:

To apply for Engineering Standing, download and complete the application for your specific major or if you need engineering standing to pursue a minor, please fill out the standing form for non-engineering majors at the bottom of this page. 

After filling out the application, email it directly to your academic advisor for processing If there are any issues with it, your advisor will respond accordingly. If you cannot find your advisor’s contact information, please email and let us know so we can get you assigned to an advisor. 

Non-Engineering Majors:

Non-engineering students who desire to enroll in upper-level engineering courses to complete a minor or a dual major must have the applicable course prerequisites and a 2.7GPA in the following courses:

  • ENGL 1101 – Composition I
  • ENGL 1102 – Composition II
  • PHYS 2211/2211L – Physics I / Physics I Lab
  • CHEM 1211/1211L – Chemistry I / Chemistry I Lab
    PHYS 2212/2212L – Physics II / Physics II Lab
  • MATH 1190 – Calculus I
  • MATH 2202 – Calculus II

12 additional credits from courses in the Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology or with prefixes CHEM, CS, CSE, IT, MATH, PHYS, or STAT.

Download Application