Faculty Research

Researcher Profiles

  • bo li

    Bo Li, Mechanical Engineering

    Dr. Li’s research aims to develop self-assembled electronically active biosystems for artificial intelligence and next generation electronics. His research directly addresses the fundamental scientific issues by leveraging a unique set of skills in innovative materials synthesis and characterization.

    • valenina nino

      Valentina Nino, Industrial and Systems Engineering

      Our research focuses on transforming healthcare delivery systems through the integration of technology and the design and development of human-centered work environments.

      The goal of our research is to revolutionize the way complex systems (especially healthcare services) deliver their services by making them more efficient, effective, proactive, and patient-centered (customer-centered).

      • Mahyar Amirgholy, Civil and Environmental Engineering

        Mahyar's group focuses on a broad range of research topics in emerging transportation technologies, from the cooperative control of connected and automated vehicles and AI-based modeling of urban networks to predictive impact analysis of increasing electric vehicle adoption on power grids and greenhouse gas emissions. Their research leverages advanced machine learning and reinforcement learning approaches to develop innovative solutions for intelligent, efficient, and sustainable transportation in the cities of the future.

        • Amir Ali Moghadam, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering

          robotic ultrasound platform

          Dr. Amir Ali Amiri Moghadam is a leading expert in the emerging field of soft robotics, with a focus on developing advanced medical robotic systems, including surgical and diagnostic applications. He is a pioneer in the innovative field of soft parallel robotics, having developed five novel soft parallel robots, which have led to the filing of two patents.

          The figure shows a robotic ultrasound platform equipped with a six DOF soft parallel robot from AMIR lab


            • Mahyar Amirghol

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Automated Networks, Cooperative Traffic Control, Network Analysis, Transportation Economics and Public Transportation

            • Parth Bhavsar

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Transportation Data Analytics and Intelligent Transportation Systems


            • Jayhyun Kwon

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Ground Improvement, Geosynthetics, Pavement and Rail


            • Youngguk Seo

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Transportation Infrastructure, Full-field instrumentation, Digital image correlation, Transportation materials and Renewables


            • Ian Ferguson

              Research Expertise and Interest

              III-V, II-VI and Nitride Semiconductor 

            • Billy Kihei

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Wireless Communications

            • Fangyu Li

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Internet of Things

            • Yousef Mahmoud

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Power Electronics, Photovoltaic Power Systems and Solar Energy

            • Coskun Tekes

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Medical Ultrasound Imaging, Transducers and Signal Processing
            • Turaj Ashuri

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Multiphysics Analysis, Computational Design and Optimization, Machine Learning, Renewable Energy and Soft Robotics

            • Sylvia Bhattacharya

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Biomedical Engineering

            • Amir Moghadam

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Composites, nanomaterials, sensors, mechanics of materials, multiscale modeling

              Research Center/Lab at KSU

            • Ashish Aphale

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Materials for energy, Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers, Oxidation and Corrosion

              Research Center/Lab at KSU
              Energy Materials Laboratory, Q136

            • Eduardo Farfan

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Radiation dose assessment, Monte Carlo simulation, radiation detector development, environmental dosimetry, internal/external dosimentry

              Research Center/Lab at KSU

            • Ali Khazaei

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Integrated design of HVAC systems and sustainability, Energy Efficiency and Advanced Decisiom making, Renewable Energy Methods and Green Technolgy.

              Research Center/Lab at KSU

            • Dal Kim

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Robotics, Control for Biomedical System, Brain imaging, Biomedical instrumentation, Fluorescence Imaging, Optimal Control, Model predictive control, Motion tracking, Microrobotics, Nonholonomic motion planning, Optogenetics, Neuroscience

              Research Center/Lab at KSU
              Automated Systems, Control, and Imaging(ASCI) Lab, G207

            • Bo Li

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Self-assembly, Charge Transport, Molecular Electronics and Artificial Neuron

            • Simin Nasseri

              Research Expertise and Interest

              Mechanical Design, Biomedical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Rheology and Viscoelasticity, Polymer Processing, Computational Mechanics and CFD, Robotics, Micromachinery (MEMS) and Engineering Education.

              Research Center/Lab at KSU
              Biomedical Engineering Lab, Q 336

              • Jungkyu Park

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Nanoscale heat transfer, carbon nanomaterials, molecular dynamics simulation, thermal measurement, nanomechanics

                Research Center/Lab at KSU
                Nanoscale Heat Transfer Lab, G207

              • Richard Ruhala

                Research Expertise and Interest

                acoustics, vibration, noise measurement, noise control, mechanics.

                Research Center/Lab at KSU
                Q 336

              • Muhammad Salman

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Bioacoustics, biomechanics, dynamics and vibrations in human body biomechanics. Mechanical properties of human skeletal muscles/tendons such as stiffness (E) are found using a low-cost surface wave and shear wave method. 

                Research Center/Lab at KSU
                Bioacoustics Lab, G 131

              • Mehdi Sarmast

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Modal Analysis, Vibration testing, Nonlinear System Identification, Nonlinear Resonant Decay Method (NLRDM), Dynamics System.

                Research Center/Lab at KSU

              • Novonil Sen

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation, Earthquake Engineering

              • Gaurav Sharma

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Aerodynamics, Advanced Space Propulsion, Compressible Flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and Swirl Flows and Swirl Dynamics

                Research Center/Lab at KSU
                Advanced Aero and Propulsion Lab, G 102

              • Lei Shi

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Biomechanics, Cardiovascular Research, Gastrointestinal Research, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Physics

                Research Center/Lab at KSU
                Cardiovascular Gastrointestinal AI Biomechanics Lab (CarVGasAI Lab)

              • Valmiki Sooklal

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Renewable energy, biomedical engineering, remote sensing, sustainable housing

                Research Center/Lab at KSU
                Q 336

              • Philippe Sucosky

                Research Expertise and Interest

                fluid mechanics, hemodynamics, cardiovascular flow, cardiovascular biomechanics, mechanobiology, cardiovascular disease, tissue and cell culture

                Research Center/Lab at KSU
                Multi-Scale Cardiovascular Bioengineering Laboratory (G-202, Q-209)

              • Ayse Tekes

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Design, development, modeling, and control of compliant mechanisms and soft robots; development of virtual lab simulations in MATLAB; development of 3D Printed Lab Equipment design for engineering courses

                Research Center/Lab at KSU
                Dynamics and Control Research Lab, G 114

              • Tris Utschig

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Process education and learning to learn, using 3D-printed laboratory equipment for learning vibrations and controls, faculty development in teaching, peer coaching, and modeling and analysis of thermal systems for nuclear applications particularly relating to safety aspects of fusion reactor designs

              • David Veazie

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Basic and applied research in the areas of constitutive model development and processing for advanced materials including high performance and ultra-lightweight polymers, polymeric composites, and metals. Current research topics include experimental mechanics, energetics, MEMS, fatigue life, micromechanics and long term durability.

                Research Center/Lab at KSU
                Center for Advanced Materials Research and Education (CAMRE) Q 112-114

              • Amir Moghadam

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Robotics, Soft Robotics, Dynamic Systems and Control and Robust Control

              • Hassan Tanveer

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Robotics, Control Systems and Mechatronics

              • Awatef Ergai

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Safety management, Human factors, Patient safety, HIT and Healthcare Systems Engineering

              • Christina Scherrer

                Research Expertise and Interest

                Oral health


