Faculty Mentors

By majoring in an engineering or engineering technology major, you are assigned a professional (primary) academic advisor and a faculty mentor.

Civil / Environmental Engineering

  • Hosain Haddad Kolour

    Hosain Haddad Kolour Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7294
    Email: hhaddadk@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 214

    Last Names A, W
  • Mahyar Amirgholy

    Mahyar Amirgholy Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5090
    Email: mamirgho@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 162C

    Last Names B, Y
  • David Ancalle-Reyes

    David Ancalle-Reyes Lecturer of Civil Engineering

    Lecturer of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5081
    Email: dreyes18@kennesaw.edu
    Location: L 152B

    Last Names C, E
  • Parth Bhavsar

    Parth Bhavsar Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5095
    Email: pbhavsar@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 235

    Last Names D, K
  • Metin Oguzmert

    Metin Oguzmert Professor of Civil Engineering

    Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5083
    Email: moguzmer@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 162A

    Last Names F-G
  • Reza Sedaghat Shirazinejad

    Reza Sedaghat Shirazinejad Lecturer of Civil Engineering

    Lecturer of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7801
    Email: rshirazi@kennesaw.edu
    Location: L 152A

    Last Names H, N
  • Youngguk Seo

    Youngguk Seo Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5496
    Email: yseo2@kennesaw.edu
    Location: L 111

    Last Names I-J, P
  • Tien Yee

    Tien Yee Professor of Civil Engineering

    Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5091
    Email: tyee@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 162B

    Last Names L, T, U
  • Sabina Shahnaz

    Sabina Shahnaz Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Lecturer of Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5497
    Email: sshahnaz@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 234

    Last Names M, X, Z
  • Jayhyun Kwon

    Jayhyun Kwon Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5080
    Email: jkwon9@kennesaw.edu
    Location: L 112

    Last Names O, R
  • Adam Kaplan

    Adam Kaplan Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5084
    Email: akaplan8@kennesaw.edu
    Location: L 157

    Last Names S,V

Construction Engineering

  • Adam Kaplan

    Adam Kaplan Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5084
    Email: akaplan8@kennesaw.edu
    Location: L 157

    Last Names A-Z

Environmental Engineering 

  • Amy Gruss

    Amy Gruss Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7262
    Email: agruss@kennesaw.edu
    Location: L 158

    Last Names A-G
  • M. A. Karim

    M. A. Karim Professor of Civil Engineering

    Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5078
    Email: mkarim4@kennesaw.edu
    Location: L 114

    Last Names H-P
  • Roneisha Worthy

    Roneisha Worthy Assistant Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Assistant Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Associate Professor of Civil Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5089
    Email: rworthy@kennesaw.edu
    Location: L 159

    Last Names Q-Z

Computer/Electrical Engineering

  • Craig Chin

    Craig Chin Assistant Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Assistant Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-7272
    Email: cchin2@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 344

    Last Names Aa-Ar
  • Sandip Das

    Sandip Das Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5140
    Email: sdas2@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 345

    Last Names As-Be
  • Sumit Chakravarty

    Sumit Chakravarty Assistant Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Assistant Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5141
    Email: schakra2@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 346

    Last Names Bf-Br
  • Hai Ho

    Hai Ho Associate Professor of Computer Engineering

    Associate Professor of Computer Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7308
    Email: hho3@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 227

    Last Names Bs-Ch
  • Benjamin Klein

    Benjamin Klein Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7439
    Email: bklein8@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 256

    Last Names Ci-Cz
  • Lance Crimm

    Lance Crimm Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7249
    Email: lcrimm@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 249

    Last Names Da-Di
  • Brent Jenkins

    Brent Jenkins Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7433
    Email: bjenki42@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 337A

    Last Names Dj-E
  • Billy Kihei

    Billy Kihei Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-6657
    Email: bkihei@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 252

    Last Names F-Gi
  • Bill Diong

    Bill Diong Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering

    Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5574
    Email: bdiong@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 333

    Last Names Gm-Gz
  • Sheila Hill

    Sheila Hill Senior Lecturer of Electrical Engineering

    Senior Lecturer of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-2408
    Email: sdoneho1@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 337C

    Last Names Ha-Ho
  • Hoseon Lee

    Hoseon Lee Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5133
    Email: hlee69@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 343

    Last Names Hu-J
  • Yousef Mahmoud

    Yousef Mahmoud Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7381
    Email: ymahmoud@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 342

    Last Names K-La
  • Paul Lee

    Paul Lee Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7573
    Email: slee274@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 349

    Last Names Lb-Lz
  • Charles Duvall

    Charles Duvall Senior Lecturer of Electrical Engineering

    Senior Lecturer of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-6806
    Email: cduvall4@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 337E

    Last Names Ma-Mc
  • Cyril Okhio

    Cyril Okhio Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5063
    Email: cokhio@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 219

    Last Names Md-Mz
  • Scott Tippens

    Scott Tippens Professor of Computer Engineering

    Professor of Computer Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7278
    Email: stippen1@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 251

    Last Names N-O
  • Coskun Tekes

    Coskun Tekes Associate Professor of Computer Engineering

    Associate Professor of Computer Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7432
    Email: ctekes@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 250

    Last Names Pa-Ph
  • Jian Zhang

    Jian Zhang Assistant Professor of Information Technology

    Assistant Professor of Information Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-7431
    Email: jzhang51@kennesaw.edu
    Location: R2 221

    Last Names Pi-Ri
  • Yan Fang

    Yan Fang Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7460
    Email: yfang9@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 142

    Last Names Sb-Sn
  • Jeffrey Yiin

    Jeffrey Yiin Clinical Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Clinical Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7246
    Email: jyiin@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 221

    Last Names So-Th
  • Caroline Cranfill

    Caroline Cranfill Part-Time Instructor of Electrical Engineering

    Part-Time Instructor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7246
    Email: rcranfil@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 253

    Last Names Ti-V
  • Walter Thain

    Walter Thain Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7436
    Email: wthain@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 347

    Last Names W-Z

Electrical Engineering Technology

  • Scott Larisch

    Scott Larisch Part-Time Instructor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Part-Time Instructor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-5147
    Email: slarisc1@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 234

    Last Names A-B
  • Austin Asgill

    Austin Asgill Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-5131
    Email: aasgill@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 231

    Last Names C-F
  • Sylvia Bhattacharya

    Sylvia Bhattacharya Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-7311
    Email: sbhatta6@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 226

    Last Names G-L
  • Jeff Wagner

    Jeff Wagner Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-7323
    Email: jwagne27@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 224

    Last Names M-Q
  • Daren Wilcox

    Daren Wilcox Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-7269
    Email: dwilcox6@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 233

    Last Names R-Z

Mechanical Engineering Technology

  • Aaron Adams

    Aaron Adams Assistant Chair of the Department of Engineering Technology and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Assistant Chair of the Department of Engineering Technology and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-7270
    Email: aadam224@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 152

    Last Names A-C
  • Timothy Adams

    Timothy Adams Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-4985
    Email: tadams71@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 151

    Last Names D-G
  • Richard Kennedy

    Richard Kennedy Director of the 3D Print Center and Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Director of the 3D Print Center and Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-5019
    Email: ckenned1@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 237

    Last Names H-Mb
  • Michael Braswell

    Michael Braswell Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-7274
    Email: mbrasw18@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 236

    Last Names Mc-R
  • Javad Khazaii

    Javad Khazaii Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-4794
    Email: jkhazaii@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 316B

    Last Names S-Z

Industrial & Systems Engineering 

  • Luisa Valentina Nino de Valladares

    Luisa Valentina Nino de Valladares Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7242
    Email: lvallad1@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 115

    Last Names A-E
  • Amin Esmaeili

    Amin Esmaeili Associate Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering

    Associate Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-2315
    Email: aesmaei3@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 119

    Last Names F-K
  • Awatef Ergai

    Awatef Ergai Associate Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering

    Associate Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-2199
    Email: aergai@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 116

    Last Names L-P
  • Lei Li

    Lei Li Associate Dean of Student Success in the College of Computing and Software Engineering and Professor of Information Technology

    Associate Dean of Student Success in the College of Computing and Software Engineering and Professor of Information Technology

    Phone: (470) 578-3915
    Email: lli13@kennesaw.edu
    Location: J 393B

    Last Names Q-Z

Industrial Engineering Technology 

  • Lois Jordan

    Lois Jordan Lecturer of Industrial Engineering

    Lecturer of Industrial Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7523
    Email: ljorda61@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 122

    Last Names A-L
  • Ruba Alamad

    Ruba Alamad Lecturer of Industrial and Systems Engineering

    Lecturer of Industrial and Systems Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-2265
    Email: ralamad@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 124

    Last Names G-M
  • Robert Keyser

    Robert Keyser Assistant Chair of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering

    Assistant Chair of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7339
    Email: rkeyser@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 113A

    Last Names N-Z

Supply Chain Logistics and Manufacturing Operations

  • Greg Wiles

    Greg Wiles Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering

    Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7314
    Email: gwiles1@kennesaw.edu
    Location: M 121

    Last Names A-Z

Mechanical Engineering 

  • Philippe Sucosky

    Philippe Sucosky Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-3158
    Email: psucosky@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 103

    Last Names A
  • Ali Khazaei

    Ali Khazaei Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5154
    Email: akhazaei@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 148

    Last Names Ba-Bo
  • Mir Atiqullah

    Mir Atiqullah Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-2750
    Email: matiqull@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 131

    Last Names Bp-Ce
  • Marwan Al-haik

    Marwan Al-haik Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7162
    Email: malhaik@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 129

    Last Name Cf-Ce
  • Richard Ruhala

    Richard Ruhala Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-2748
    Email: rruhala@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 131

    Last Name D
  • Dal Hyung Kim

    Dal Hyung Kim Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5263
    Email: dkim97@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 217

    Last Name E-Fh
  • Valmiki Sooklal

    Valmiki Sooklal Assistant Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Assistant Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-3864
    Email: vsooklal@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 127

    Last Name Fi-Gd
  • Simin Nasseri

    Simin Nasseri Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7420
    Email: snasser1@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 150

    Last Names Ge-Gz
  • Jungkyu Park

    Jungkyu Park Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-6809
    Email: jpark186@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 218

    Last Names H
  • Santana Roberts

    Santana Roberts Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering

    Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-3712
    Email: srobe157@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 102

    Last Names I-Kh
  • Mehdi Sarmast

    Mehdi Sarmast Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering

    Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-3699
    Email: msarmast@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 144

    Last Names Ki-Ln
  • Mahesh Gupta

    Mahesh Gupta Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-4467
    Email: mgupta4@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 337D

    Last Names Mb-Mn
  • Sathish Kumar Gurupatham

    Sathish Kumar Gurupatham Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-3074
    Email: sgurupat@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 215

    Last Names Mo-N
  • Cameron Coates

    Cameron Coates Assistant Dean of Operations and Professor of Aerospace Engineering

    Assistant Dean of Operations and Professor of Aerospace Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7482
    Email: ccoates4@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 333A

    Last Names O-Pa
  • Muhammad Salman

    Muhammad Salman Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-2438
    Email: msalman1@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 222

    Last Names Pb-Q
  • David Veazie

    David Veazie Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-2749
    Email: dveazie@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 130

    Last Names R
  • Laura Ruhala

    Laura Ruhala Assistant Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Assistant Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7315
    Email: lruhala@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 319

    Last Names Sa-Sh
  • Ayse Tekes

    Ayse Tekes Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7518
    Email: atekes@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 236

    Last Names Su-T
  • Bo Li

    Bo Li Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-2751
    Email: bli10@kennesaw.edu
    Location: G 220

    Last Names U-Wg
  • Ashish Aphale

    Ashish Aphale Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7835
    Email: aaphale@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 103

    Last Names Wh-Z

Mechatronics Engineering

  • Razvan Voicu

    Razvan Voicu Assistant Professor of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5988
    Email: rvoicu@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 232

    Last Names A-B
  • Matt Marshall

    Matt Marshall Peer Mentoring Center Faculty Coordinator and Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Peer Mentoring Center Faculty Coordinator and Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5135
    Email: mmarsh32@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 317

    Last Names C-E
  • David Guerra-Zubiaga

    David Guerra-Zubiaga Associate Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Associate Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-4492
    Email: dguerraz@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 318

    Last Names F-H
  • Amir Ali Amiri Moghadam

    Amir Ali Amiri Moghadam Assistant Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5536
    Email: aamirimo@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 320

    Last Names I-L
  • Meiling Sha

    Meiling Sha Lecturer of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering

    Lecturer of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5966
    Email: rsha@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 136

    Last Names M-P
  • Muhammad Hassan Tanveer

    Muhammad Hassan Tanveer Assistant Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Assistant Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-5612
    Email: mtanveer@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 316A

    Last Names Q-S
  • Ying Wang

    Ying Wang Assistant Chair of the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering and Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Assistant Chair of the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering and Professor of Mechatronics Engineering

    Phone: (470) 578-7317
    Email: ywang34@kennesaw.edu
    Location: Q 323

    Last Names T-Z